Faster, Lighter, Stronger, Bamboo Rods Handcrafted in Twin Bridges, Montana by Wayne Maca BEAVERHEAD RODS LLC. - P.O.Box 429, 205 N. Madison, - Twin Bridges, MT. 59754 ( 406 ) - 684 -5000 |
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Photos-Articles-Movies-Etc. (No introduction needed) Glenn Brackett with a Ruby River Brown. (Click here to enlarge - 376 kb) ______________________________ Author/Rodbuilder, Jerry Kustich landing a Beaverhead brown. (click here to play movie - 7.6mb) ______________________________ Yours truly preparing to lose a fish that darts between the legs. (Click here to enlarge - 188 kb) ______________________________ How hollow are they? Take a look at a bore sightable 5' long butt blank. (Click here to play movie - 688kb) ______________________________ 7th attempt, finally does it. Extreme strength testing. (Click here to play movie - 740kb) ______________________________ Always treat a bamboo rod with the utmost care... Yeah right!(Hmmm... That must depend on who builds them,.. and how. (Click here to enlarge - 644kb ______________________________ Every dog has his day, some are extremly good and to be celebrated,but those are infrequent and in short supply because of time slipping past. (Click here to enlarge - 188kb) ________________________ Photo by Don Roberts The concept of our own time being limited can be a hard pill to swallow. But with efficient use of what's left we at least have a fighting chance to feel a bit more alive while enjoying the fun and freedom in our lives. My dad always told me "life was meant to be enjoyed, not endured!" ____________________
Articles about Beaverhead Rods Powerfibers Oct 2004 article by Joe Byrd (Click to download, then open to view - 192kb-pdf) Denver Post Jan 7th, 2005 article by Charlie Meyers (Click to download, then open to view - 4kb-rtf) California Flyfisher Magazine 2005 article by Tom Chandler (Click to download, then open to view - 164kb-pdf) All bamboo rods pictured on this site are from BEAVERHEAD RODS LLC. E-mail us for pricing and ordering info! Dealer inquiries... (Click here)
©2005Beaverhead Rods LLC. - Site design and maintenance - Wayne Maca